Director Asghar Dashti
About the show
is a semi-documentary show about the trip of Director to St. Petersburg in order to do a collaboration with a festival; his proposed show will be based on 3 texts; Dostoyevsky’s “White Nights”, Pushkin’s “The Little Tragedies”, and “One Thousand and One Nights”. After 75% of the show was prepared and rehearsed, the project was canceled through the unilateral decision of the festival. The show begins with a documentary narrative of the personal collapse of the Iranian director in Russia, and with his imaginary interview with Mikhail Gorbachev in search of the roots of this collapse in that country; he is trying to find parallels between this emotional aspect of collapse and the collapse of the Soviet Union, but as he is too involved in his own tragedy, the interview turns into a monologue and some kind of lecture-performance about what could be and how it ended.
The meetings between the Director and the Festival director and their liaison (Interpreter) come alive with the help of different theatrical forms and devices, but representing the past becomes difficult when we only have one side of the story.
Throughout this endeavor, we see the director’s collapse and the emergence of a new idea from
the ashes of that collapse, but only through very personal expression of his hardships.
Previous shows
- 37th Fadjr international theater festival (Tehran, Iran – February 2019)
- Iranshahr Hall (Tehran, Iran – July 2018)
To be Performed
- Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels – May 2020) – Coronavirus days!
- Best Actor (Fadjr international theatre festival, international competition)
- Grand Prix (Fadjr international theatre festival, international competition)
Show Duration 100 min
Audience Suitability Adult
Stage Size Min 12m wide x 8m depth x 6m height
Venue Black-box
Touring Member 14
For more information and booking